Swades and stuff.

on Thursday, November 26, 2015
If there are two things good for my heart, they are avocados and movies. Whatever you have, bhojpuri to documentaries on Russian hamsters JUST GIVE IT TO ME I'LL CONSUME.

So today I watched Swades, have you seen this movie? NO? Good because now you can go and watch it.

The movie begins by a quote of Gandhi and later in a scene we see Mohan briefly handling his friend's book store and there is a book on Gandhi lying on his desk. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the same guy who came back from South Africa in a hope of bringing change in India. Sounds familiar with the plot?
So in this bookstore, aptly named Pathfinder, Mohan meets Gita and ask her about way to Charanpur. Geddit? Ok! let me say it out slowly. In a place called PATHFINDER he MET his love and asked her PATH to Charanpur. Cool? Sigh! You people.

And when Mohan reaches Charanpur he sees an old freedom fighter teaching kids about Quit India Movement. After a while Mohan gets a bit frustrated when he saw how villagers have adapted to darkness. So he tells them what can loosely be translated as "Be the change you wish to see in the world" and then with the help of villagers our hero produces electricity. Bravo! 

Not just Gandhi there is an obvious inspiration from Ramayana  in the movie, Mohan comes back home after more than a decade and just like idealist Rama, he later leaves Gita to finish his pending project. The village is called Charanpur because there were footprints of Rama and Sita and in a scene we see Mohan and Gita standing together, feet to feet in a lake. And yea! Mohan brings light to Charanpur on Diwali. 

My favourite moment of the movie is when Mohan buys a glass of water in train. Throughout the movie we see him carrying his own packed water bottles but after encountering poverty of Haridas we see a change in Mohan, somehow he embraces his motherland and in that moment he truly accepts* India and drink what I may call indigenous water of India.

In a sequence we see Mohan taking a bath and singing I've Been Waiting For A Girl Like You which is actually by a band called Foreigners. Irony! 

Swadesh 'We the people'. Inspired from the preamble of our constitution, perhaps? 

The movie is an emotional catharsis and perhaps one of the best movies of Shahrukh Khan so maybe you should watch it. Again. 

*Over lunch when Mohan is arguing with Gita about Indian problems he said "YOU Indians never accept your mistakes".


nikhilgarg003 said...

Fabulous sir

Barkha Tyagi said...

Awesome man.. I never noticed all that at all..only u know.. How she is soooooo thin.. And srk looks sooooooo hot

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